What is Podcalm?

It is a patented technological concentrate based on neuroscience, engineering, and sophrology. Everything has been studied to help your brain focus on a single task. As a result, the mind rests and the brain is more "operational". It is an innovative mental wellness solution that allows intense relaxation thanks to its protocol.

SPAs can offer new targeted care rituals for this clientele looking for a well-being break to escape daily stress and mental overload:

1) Energetic recharge cure

2) No stress cure

3) A burn-out treatment


Why use PODCALM?

It offers relaxation programs according to themes such as concentration, anti-stress, or relaxation. It offers as well a unique multi-sensory experience that mobilizes the 4 senses for optimal relaxation.

It is a technology based on music therapy with meditation, aromatherapy, light therapy, and vibration waves, which allows it to make the user travel through his 4 senses for a recovery session

It can be offered " a la carte" treatment or "cure" over several days


What treatment or cure can be offered?

You have to choose between these 4 categories:




🔴 Boost your Focus [5 minutes] 25$

🔴 Boost Positive Energy - no voice [20 minutes] 75$

🔴 Deep Focus - no voice [20 Minute] 75$

🔴 Guided Meditation - Feel your presence [20 Minutes]

🔴 Guided Meditation for Focus [20 Minutes 75$



🔴 Forest birdsong to reduce stress - no voice [5 minutes] 25$

🔴 Guided Meditation to help relieve Stress (5 minutes] 25$

🔴 Boost Positive Energy - no voice 20 minutes] 75$

🔴 Guided Meditation - A Calming Beach Visualization {20 minutes} 75$

🔴 Guided Meditation - Clear Anxiety [20 minutes] 75$

🔴 Guided Meditation for Reducing Anxiety and Stress [20 minutes] 75$

🔴 Piano with river sounds to calm stress - no voice [20 minutes] 75$



🔴 Guided meditation - PowerNap to recharge yourself {5 minutes} 25$

🔴 Calm Music - no voice [20 minutes] 75$

🔴 Guided Meditation - Body Scan Mindfulness Relaxation [20 minutes] 75$

🔴 Guided Meditation for Positive Energy and Motivation  [20 minutes] 75$

🔴 Lyrical signing - Soul Healing Music [20 minutes] 75$

🔴 Restorative PowerNap - ondes delta - no voice [20 minutes] 75



🔴 Lyrical signing - Soul Healing Music 20 minutes] 75$

🔴 Rain and Storm to relax - no voice [20 minutes] 75$

🔴 ASMR Relaxation - no voice [10 minutes].   40$